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A bouquet of twelve beautiful red roses, hand selected by our skilled florists to ensure only the freshest and most beautiful flowers, before being carefully arranged with masses of vibrant fresh foliage and promptly delivered to your recipient for Valentine's Day. Also included are a bottle of fabulous Prosecco bubbly (75cl), selected by our wine experts and certain to be well received, plus eight luxurious handmade, gift boxed chocolates. (Champagne flute not included.)
Delivery is €7.95 and is available 6 days per week Mon to Sat between the hours of 09.00 and 17.30. Same day delivery is possible in Dublin only. The cut off point for same day delivery in Dublin 1.00pm
Where a specific balloon or product is not available there may be some substitution of products. It may not always be possible to contact you with when this occurs. Balloons will always be substituted within the same category/occasion.